08 May 2009

Old is the new New

A few weeks ago, my friend Chris at GeekPhilosophy wrote an interesting post that really got me thinking. He (and his readers) noticed that a lot of the "old school" ways of thinking and doing things seem to be coming back into fashion, citing examples such as the urban gardening movement (particularly popular in Vancouver, although I admit I have my own herb garden on the balcony of the apartment!), and the increasing popularity of using midwives and doulas in the birthing process.

I'd like to suggest that the same is also true for the world of Public Relations and Marketing. As a self-professed "old school" customer service and communications professional, I've definitely noticed a move toward the older, previously discarded, ways of doing things. What I find particularly interesting is that these "new old" methods are drawing on "old" knowledge, but using this knowledge within "new" technologies and frameworks.

Confused? Don't worry, I have a plan.

I've decided to begin a weekly column called "Everything I Need To Know About Marketing, I Learned From My Grandfather". Every Friday I'll look in-depth at a particular aspect of marketing and public relations as it was "back in the day", and explain how similar techniques are being (or can be) used today.

Stay tuned!

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