12 May 2009

Interview Prep 2 - This Time It's Personal

Unfortunately the potential new employment referred to in my last post relating to interview prep didn't work out. I blame the fact that I had a touch of a stomach bug, but went to the interview anyway. I can't say I was in the greatest shape for a thorough questioning - in fact, I did one thing "the experts" always tell you not to do, and that was to chew gum during the interview... but I only did it to alleviate the nausea. To be fair, I probably wouldn't have hired me either!

Having been called in for a different interview this coming Thursday, I'm now faced with Interview Prep 2, and this time it's personal. I know the group I'm interviewing with fairly well, and the position is an excellent match for my skills and experience. I should be set, and ready to nail this one, right?

Well... no. I had a session with Life Coach (LC) yesterday, and I thought I'd use the session as an opportunity to focus on my interview skills. We went through the job description and person specification in painstaking detail, and what emerged is that while I'm very good at what I do (if I do say so myself), I need to work harder at both knowing myself and, more importantly, selling myself.

Take, for example, the dreaded question "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" I, like most interviewees, hate this question. I feel like any answer I give is only going to sound like bragging (for the strengths) or like a silly attempt at trying to re-frame a positive as a negative ("I work too hard... I'm a perfectionist...") So I've been working on this, and working through the notion that selling yourself isn't the same as bragging or being a show-off (not if you do it properly, at least!) - no, it's actually what is expected of you at an interview. Common sense, right?

So yes, potential interviewers... my name is K, I am awesome at what I do, and given the opportunity I will strive to be the best thing that has happened to your company or organisation since it was founded. Your long and arduous search is over. I'm your girl.

Wish me luck!

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