08 April 2009

Taxi Drivers and Interview Prep

If you want to know whether or not you are well prepared for a job interview, might I suggest taking a taxi to the venue? Particularly one driven by one of Dublin's trademark chatty taxi drivers?

Best thing I ever did. Honestly.

Driver: "So are you running late for work or what?"

K: "No, actually I've got a job interview at 10.30."

D: "Oh that's great. With who?"

K: "[Company X]"

D: "Oh right. Who are they now? What do they do?"

K: "Oh they're a [insert company description here]. You know, they do things like [insert lengthy description of company's activities]."

D: "Ah that's great. Good luck with that. I hope it goes well for ye."

Now, on the surface it seems like your average small talk - the type everyone is used to on taxi journeys of a certain duration. What it proved to me, however, was that I actually did know what I was talking about. I had done my research on Company X and could explain quite confidently (to someone who had never heard of them before) who they are and what they do.

I'm not sure how the interview itself went, and I won't find out for a while yet. But at least I can thank my Dublin taxi driver for helping me realise that I was adequately prepared for it.

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